Meander to Matsuyama

Moving day again, this time we’re leaving not only Hiroshima, but the whole of Honshu behind. I’m sad to leave the hotel in Hiroshima as that bathroom was fantastic, but a quick breakfast and we scoot down to the port in a taxi, hopping aboard a nearly empty slow ferry accross from Hiroshima through Kure on to Matsuyama.

In an interesting juxtaposition to my last post, Kure is a ship building and JMSDF base. Dunk and I found a well used Puyo Puyo arcade cabinet which you might better know as Dr. Robotnics Mean Bean Machine, so of course a hundred yen went in there.

Spiral ramp up to a bridge over the strait we were passing through

Two pleasant travelling hours over and we bump against the dock at Matsuyama. A further 10 minutes and we’re loaded into a taxi on our way to our hotel, with a driver that mum insists is older than my own grandmother!

Not sure what it is with not having the reception on the ground floor, but the last hotel had it on the second floor, and this on had it at the top on the 13th floor, odd arrangement to me… Must work for them though… Once we’re all sorted and stopped marvelling at being able to see the cable car and castle from our rooms, we went to see if we could rustle ourselves some food. We (after considerable wandering) went for a yakitori place and thoughouly enjoyed ourselves. I even found a delightful sake to sip as we sat.